Help The Bahamas And Let’s Donate!

Hurricane Dorian devastated the Bahamas this summer as the worst recorded natural disaster in the history of the island nation. As the most intense tropical cyclone to strike the county, Dorian was the fourth named storm, second hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2019 Atlantic hurricane season, hitting the Abaco Islands on the first of September with max winds of 185 mph. This ties with the 1935 Labor Day hurricane for the highest wind speeds of an Atlantic hurricane that has ever been recorded at landfall, striking Grand Bahama at a similar intensity. The catastrophic damage to these islands caused most structures on the islands to be flattened or swept to sea, and leaving at least 70,000 people homeless. After ravaging the Bahamas, Dorian then swept along the coasts of the Southeastern United States and Atlantic Canada to result in huge amounts of damage and economic loss in these regions. This is why Your Insurance Attorney, as a top property damage lawyer Miami residents rely on, is trying our best to help the people who were affected by this devastating hurricane. Donate to Hurricane Dorian Relief in the Bahamas and call Your Insurance Attorney in Miami-Dade County today.


Donating To The Bahamas


On the first of September, the eye of Hurricane Dorian made landfall on the Abaco Islands with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph, meaning that it became the strongest hurricane ever recorded to affect the Bahamas. The day after, the eye of Dorian then shifted over the Eaastern end of Grand Bahama Island, and drifted across the island. Bahamian Minister of Agriculture  Michael Pintard reported an estimated storm tide of 20 to 25 feet at his home on Grand Bahamas. Dorian also caused an estimated 3.0 ft of rain over the Bahamas. The hurricane caused the deaths of at least 60 people in the Bahamas, and damage was preliminarily estimated at over 7 billion dollars, leaving at least 70,000 people homeless across the Bahamas. An estimated 13,000 homes, which is almost half of the homes on Aba os and Grand Bahama, suffered extensive damage or were destroyed completely. We at Your Insurance Attorney, a property damage lawyer Miami residents trust, are here to assist in rebuilding in the Bahamas through donating emergency supplies and flying them out ourselves.


How You Can Help Hurricane Dorian Relief


The damage caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas was extremely severe due to the prolonged and extreme storm conditions, such as heavy rainfall, high winds, and storm surge, with thousands of homes destroyed and at minimum 60 deaths recorded. Hurricane Dorian has devastated the lives of people in the Bahamas and majorly impacted the islands. We at Your Insurance Attorney are committed to helping them get back on their feet in whatever way we can contribute. Here’s what you can do to lend a hand:

  • Gather emergency supplies listed by the Bahamas government
  • Bring them to our Miami or Orlando office
  • We will fly them to the Bahamas and deliver it ourselves


Contact Us Today


You can help with Hurricane Dorian relief efforts by dropping off donations at our Miami-Dade County office in Coconut Grove or in Orlando. Call Your Insurance Attorney, a property damage lawyer Mami residents trust, to donate to Hurricane Dorian relief today. 

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