Mold Versus Mildew and What To Know

Most of us know that both mold and mildew aren’t things we want in our home, but do you know the difference between them? It’s true that they both smell and can both be harmful to us to varying degrees, but how much is that and how do you remove them? When it comes to mold and mildew damage, we at Your Insurance Attorney have experience helping clients handle their insurance claims by providing an insurance claim lawyer in Miami and Coconut Grove. While it’s important to remove both mold and mildew, isn’t not a bad idea to better understand each of them and what they do.


Mold vs. Mildew

There are a few things that mold and mildew have in common. For one, they’re both living organisms in the fungi kingdom. They’re also likely to develop in areas that are damp, wet, and moist; however, their similarities stop around there. Here are some areas where they differ:

  • Appearance
    • Mildew is typically a white or grey color. It can be powdery, or in more severe cases, slightly fuzzy. Mold, on the other hand, will be significantly more fuzzy and even a bit slimy. It will also be a much more bold color, either a green or black.
  • Smell
    • Neither mildew or mold are pleasant to the nose, but their scents differ a bit. Mildew will have a musty scent–one you’re probably familiar with if you’ve ever left your clothes sitting wet after a wash for too long. Mold will be more pungent and smell strongly of rotting wood or paper.
  • Impact on Health
    • Both mold and mildew can have negative impacts on your health by releasing spores into the air that we breathe in. If you’re starting to see a pattern, then you likely know where this is going already. Mildew has more mild effects akin to that of an allergic reaction. Mild respiratory problems, light coughing, a sore throat, and mild headaches can all occur from long-term mildew exposure, but are all mostly harmless long-term. Mold on the other hand is more intense. The same effects from mildew can occur with mold, but to more severe degrees. Additionally, mold can also trigger asthma attacks, sinus problems, itchy eyes, and reactions of the ear, nose, and throat. Elongated exposure can have more dramatic long-term effects on your health than with mildew.


Mold and Mildew Damage Removal

As you’re probably becoming familiar with at this point, removing mold and mildew can be a straightforward task, but mold is harder to deal with. First, it’s important to know what causes mold and mildew in the first place. Moisture is the key ingredient, but a dark, warm area will give the fungus the tools it needs to grow. That, and a “food” source. With home damage, you’re looking primarily at something like wood or drywall. Removing that source is important for more serious cases of mold exposure, but you can still have free-flying spores throughout your home because of your ventilation. A professional mold removal service can help to clean your home thoroughly of the mold. Mildew can be a lot simpler. Bleach or a vinegar solution can be used to scrub the mildew away with good effect. The important thing is to be thorough as to not miss any spots that can continue to grow after you’ve cleaned.


Contact Us For an Insurance Claim Lawyer

Ultimately, if you’re home suffers from mold and mildew damage, you may be entitled to compensation depending on your home insurance policy. Unfortunately, in circumstances such as this, insurance companies will try to get you to settle for a lowball offer. If you encounter this, then help from an insurance claim lawyer may be necessary to get what you deserve. For Miami and Coconut Grove homeowners, contact us for more information on how to remedy your mold situation.

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