Suspect Mold? Pick Up the Phone & Call YIA Today

Mold is all around us, and with the right environment, it can transform into an outbreak that can leave your home damaged and spreading sickness to you and the others of your household. Fortunately, your insurance will be able to provide you with the compensation you deserve for the property that’s been damaged by the mold. We at Your Insurance Attorney in Coconut Grove have helped many around the Miami area receive help with our mold litigation attorneys in receiving compensation, and we have some info for you. Your insurance company may not have your best interest at heart, so you’ll want to consider a public adjuster Fort Lauderdale residents can trust.


Tips for Mold Prevention

The best way to deal with mold is to prevent it from developing in the first place. In Florida, our climate is perfect for mold to develop, and it’s one of the most common home conditions homeowners are left to face, but that doesn’t mean prevention isn’t an option. Here are some tips regarding the 3 main things mold loves in order to grow.

  • Mold loves humidity
    • The first component to allowing mold to grow is humidity. Taking control of the humidity in your home is a great way to limit how much mold can grow in your home. Consider using a dehumidifier to lower the overall humidity of your home, ideally lower than 60% humidity.
  • Mold loves moisture
    • The next component is water. Mold loves wet, damp areas that don’t properly dry. Bathrooms are a common culprit of this when they aren’t given the proper ventilation to dry completely. Consider opening a window if you have on and using the exhaust vents to ensure the room is completely aired out. For other areas of your home, make sure you don’t leave water or other liquids to sit. Cleaning your gutters also helps prevent water from getting stuck and developing mold on your roof, and be sure not to leave your laundry damp in the washing machine.
  • Mold needs to eat
    • The final component is something for the mold to “eat,” or in other words, something to soak up the moisture. The biggest food source to watch for is wood, specifically the wood of your home. If you have a leak, for example, mold can end up developing on the soaked wood and potentially compromising the structural integrity of your home.


Mold Litigation Attorneys Can Help With Property Damage

No matter the kind of claim, you’re going to be dealing with an insurance company. The reality about insurance companies is that they don’t care about your needs as a consumer. What they care about is ensuring their pockets are as full as possible and spending as little as possible on you.


After the claim has been filed, an insurance adjuster will show up to investigate the damages, and they’ll use their better understanding of the law to cheat you. What we mean by this is that they’ll use their knowledge to underestimate the value of the damages or replacement costs with the goal of minimizing the expenses paid by the insurance company. This is why locating a public adjuster Fort Lauderdale residents can trust is so important. Instead of them focusing on the needs of the insurance company, they’ll be focusing on your needs as their client–making sure you receive the best value for the repairs and replacements you need to put quality above everything else. Because they understand the ins and outs of the legal process regarding claims, they’ll be able to fight the knowledge held by insurance adjusters and work to get you the compensation you deserve.


Contact Us for a Public Adjuster Fort Lauderdale Locals Can Trust

If you’re in need of mold litigation attorneys, contact us at Your Insurance Attorney. Our experienced lawyers will work to fight for your rights and not the pockets of the insurance company you’re faced with. Located in Coconut Grove, we can help clients in need throughout the Miami area.

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