How’s Your Indoor Air Quality? A Comprehensive Checklist.

We are at risk of consuming harmful bacteria in the various types of environments we place ourselves in every day, but do you ever stop to think about how your indoor air quality might be affecting you? Studies have shown that the pollution in our home air systems can be more harmful than those we are exposed to outside, on airplanes, or even in our cars. Indoor air pollution can have drastic effects on your health. Particularly for those who are part of a younger generation, are prone to chronic illnesses, the elderly, as well as those with cardiovascular issues. Your Insurance Attorney in Miami, Florida is here to give you a comprehensive checklist on how to check the quality of your indoor air and what to do if they levels are too high.

Talk to an insurance lawyer about what can be done about the harmful air quality that may be in your home right now.

Symptoms of Polluted Indoor Air


There are several health indicators that may suggest that your indoor air is polluted. Analyze what ongoing symptoms you have and check this list to see if any of them apply to you. If so, go to your doctor to document your symptoms and seek medical treatment. Then go home and check your air quality. Document everything and report it immediately to the proper authorities (more on that later).

Symptoms may include:

  • Nausea
  • Eye irritation
  • Burning or stinging eyes
  • Respiratory irritation or problems
  • Nasal congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches

How To Check Indoor Air Quality

Before you blame your indoor air as the culprit behind these symptoms, be sure that you also take note on new or old conditions within you home. Check to see if any of the following events have occurred. Make a list and go into specific detail about each one. These events, new appliance and such could be the reason your indoor air quality has diminished. You can contact your homeowner’s insurance company to see if fixing these problems is covered under your insurance policy. If so, contact relevant professional services to render these pollution causing issues. If they will not cover these home expenses that are damaging to your health, contact an insurance lawyer to discuss potential options.

When do you experience these health symptoms the most:

  • Summer
  • Spring
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • All Year

Personal Information:

  • Any new hobbies that involve paint, cooking, gas heating, etc?
  • What cleaning products do you use?
  • What personal products do you use consistently (paints, stains, polishes, varnishes, etc)?
  • What pesticides have been used in your home?

Home Information:

  • When was your home built?
  • Square footage of your home?
  • Any newly installed weatherization appliances (caulking, weather strips, panels, etc)?
  • New carpeting, furnacing, or furnacing?
    You can also contact professional services to get an expert reading of your air quality.

    What To Do If Your Indoor Air is Polluted

    If your indoor air is polluted, do what you can to remedy the issue. This may involve getting rid of certain household or personal items. Then contact your insurance company to see of things such as replacing your carpet or hiring professionals to fix your air pollution problem is covered under your insurance. If not, contact an insurance lawyer at Your Insurance Attorney in Miami, Florida to see what steps you can take next to fix the quality of your home’s air.

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