Having your personal property damaged or vandalized can be a terrible thing to experience. There is a high level of emotion that goes into putting in these claims because you tend to feel personally attacked by what has happened. This often makes it difficult for people to think things through and make sure they are following the appropriate steps and filing the right claim. Going to an expert, like a property damage lawyer, for assistance is an excellent idea if you are unsure of how to handle the claim with your insurance provider. If you’re in Miami Dade County a resource that could be helpful to you is Your Insurance Attorney, they have a proven track record of helping clients better understand their situation and what their options may be.
Types of Claims Explained By A Property Damage Lawyer
When you find yourself in a situation where your home or car have been robbed or vandalized, it is easy to become overwhelmed and extremely stressed. These things usually happen when you aren’t around so when you return to find this type of damage has been done it can be incredibly alarming and unbelievable. Another added stressor is not knowing if your insurance will cover this specific type of damage. Specific types of vandalism can include slashing tires, spray paint or graffiti, computer viruses, or broken windows. Now unlike other types of insurance claims, it may be necessary for you to take additional steps to prove you’ve suffered these types of damages. This can immediately make you feel like your insurance company isn’t on your side, but the hard truth is that there are people who try to take advantage of these types of claims. However, after you’ve suffered such a devastating event, it’s not easy to keep your emotions out of the equation. Most of the time you’re dealing with the loss of valuable and at times irreplaceable items.
Steps In Reporting Vandalism
- Call the police: this is the first thing you want to do when you discover any vandalism has been done. It’s hard to think of anything besides the initial shock, but contacting the police and getting a report filed is the first step you need to complete in getting your insurance claim in.
- Snap some pictures: It’s a good idea to get some pictures of the damage, even before the police arrive on the scene. This will serve as proof if your insurance company asks for it.
- Contact your insurance provider: After you’ve contacted the police and filed a police report call your insurance company. You want to make sure you do this right away, so they are aware of the situation right from the beginning. Make sure you get the police officer’s name and badge number who takes down the report. The insurance agent will ask for this information.
- Don’t try to clean up: Even if you took pictures do not move anything or clean anything up until the police have arrived seen the damage and written the report. Having things cleaned up before that could make filing the claim even more difficult.
Contact Us
Your Insurance Attorney in Miami Dade County is a leading property damage lawyer in the area. Allow us to go over your situation with you and help make a plan to ensure you get the most coverage from your vandalism claim. Call or visit us today for more information.