What Happens If Someone Obtains A bodily Injury While Visiting My Home?

You have a party. Everyone you invited showed up. It is a good time. That is until somebody got a bodily injury and the ambulance got called. Now you have a guest who got injured on your property. Your fun-filled party quickly became a stressful burden. What do you do now? Your Insurance Attorney is here to help you understand what steps you need to take next. We are equipped with a property damage lawyer Miami residents can count on. Contact us today!


You May Be Liable

It is a possibility that you can be held liable if someone gets injured on your property. Do not panic. This does not mean never to trust anyone in your home again. This is where homeowners insurance comes into play.


What To Do After a Bodily Injury Occurs

It is okay to express concern of the incident, however, do not admit guilt. Take a breath and examine the injury. Is there a lot of blood? Any broken bones? If you have any thought it needs immediate medical attention, go. Do not second guess yourself and trust your gut. Depending on the circumstances, it may be prudent to call emergency services, instead of trying to move the person on your own. You do not want to risk making the injury worse. If that is the case, you just dug yourself into a bigger hole. Also, it is good practice to take photos of the accident scene and the injury. This may aid you in the future. After that, call the police to get statements on the record.


Ensure you do all of these steps no matter the relationship you have with the injured individual. The moment the accident happened, you two became parties in a business transaction. You want to make sure that everything is properly documented. Make a paper trail. This helps compensate adequately and fairly. You do not want the possibility of you overpaying them more than you need to. If you’re lucky, you and the individual injured will be able to work things out. There are times, though, when lawyers get involved. This is when the documents are essential. Contact a property damage lawyer Miami firm today.


Call Your Insurance

Your next move would be to contact your insurance company and speak with an agent to apprise them of the situation. This will get your policy’s coverage terms working for you right away. This will minimize the compensation time for the injured person.


Call Us Today and Get It Solved

Here at Your Insurance Attorney, we are professionals committed to aiding you when it comes to dealing with a bodily injury on your property. We will work with you or public adjusters all over the state of Florida, especially in Miami Dade County. We genuinely care about getting results for you and accomplishing a result that satisfies your needs. Our goal is to help you through great representation from start to finish. Our property damage lawyer Miami office will fight for you. Contact us today.

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