
insurance claim lawyer
We often don’t anticipate it ever happening, but property gets stolen across the country every day, and not just in poor areas. Many middle-class and upper-class homeowners have also become victims of theft. If this has happened to you, there may be questions you’re looking to have answered. “Does homeowners insurance cover theft?” is possibly...
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Was your home built before 1975? If it was and you’re experiencing plumbing issues, such as backups, slow drains, mold, faulty pipes, or others, you may have cast-iron pipes that are failing. If this is the case, your insurance company may owe you money for new pipes and any damages caused by them. At Your...
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What is arson? Losing your home to a fire is a tragic experience, but losing your home to a fire that was caused by someone maliciously setting fire to it is even worse. This is arson. Not only do you know someone did something that may have injured you or someone you care about, but...
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For many Miami locals, strong winds are something we’re familiar with, but what about hail? High wind and hail can go hand-in-hand, and either one can cause damage to your home’s roof. Insurance companies will try anything to minimize the amount of money they need to provide you with, and may even try to blame...
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Unfortunately, there are many crimes that can be perpetrated upon homeowners and take an emotional, physical, and financial toll. One of the crimes that can happen to homeowners on their property is burglary. Burglary can be a crime that has a profound effect on a home, as it can lead homeowners to feel unsafe and...
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Do you have any questions regarding hurricane flooding and damage that you need answers to? Here at Your Insurance Attorney, our team of experts is here to make sure you have all the information you need to stay safe before and after a big storm. We want to ensure you are protected. We are an...
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Did your home get damaged by a powerful storm? What do you do now? Here at Your Insurance Attorney, our team of professionals is here to make sure you know how this process works. It is best to understand the insurance claim payment process, so you know who you get paid and when you get...
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Are you looking for ways to reduce the chances of getting vandalized while on vacation? Here at Your Insurance Attorney, our team of experts is here to make sure you have the information you need to keep your home safe. We take pride in being one of the best insurance attorney Miami residents can count...
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How much do you know about the Right To Repair Act in Florida? This information is essential when it comes to the world of construction. Here at Your Insurance Attorney, our team of law professionals is here to make sure you have everything you need to know. You can count on our insurance claim lawyer...
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Do not leave it to an insurance adjuster to get you the money you deserve after an accident. You need a public adjuster. Here at Your Insurance Attorney, our team of professionals is here to make sure you get all the information you need to deal with your insurance fraud cases. We are the public...
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