
Property Damage Attorney
Are you being underpaid after your property damage claim? This is not okay. It is your money that is getting messed with. Here at Your Insurance Attorney, our team of professionals is here to make sure you get the amount you deserve. We are a property damage attorney who cares! We are going to teach...
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There are many questions that people may have when it comes to insurance attorneys. After all, most people don’t even think about such issues until calamity strikes. But just imagine- what is the next step after you’ve suffered a major loss from fire, theft, or some other catastrophe, and you’ve filed an insurance claim? You...
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If disaster strikes, it’s important to be prepared. You never know when something could happen and damage your home, and you will need to file a homeowner’s insurance claim in order to replace or restore the various aspects of your home that were damaged. However, filing an insurance claim requires a certain amount of preparation...
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Many individuals know the state of Florida for being a destination for many natural disasters. This can become very frightening for many homeowners across the state. However, do we as residents genuinely understand what exactly qualifies as a natural disaster? The professionals at Your Insurance Attorney is equipped with a catastrophe claims adjuster who has...
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As a Florida resident, it is fair to say that accepting the risk of damage from a hurricane is practically a prerequisite to being a resident. Adding the right hurricane deductible to your homeowner’s insurance is essential to making sure your home is fully protected. Of course, the path of a hurricane can affect any...
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Many Florida residents jest with tourists “if you don’t like the weather here, wait 20 minutes and maybe you will.” Given how quickly the weather can change from bright and sunny to a severe thunderstorm and back again- it is as true a statement as any. In a place like Miami Dade County where accepting...
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Homeowners insurance policies usually include vague wording about structural damage especially when it comes to mold. Because of this when you discover mold you can instantly become stressed and overwhelmed not knowing if your insurance will help you repair the damage. Understanding the fine print of your policy isn’t always easy to do on your...
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Vandalism is a leading cause of property damage across the US. Businesses and residential communities spend millions of dollars each year trying to repair damage due to these crimes. This is why crime prevention strategies are important to learn about and plan to protect your property. It’s critical first to understand that there is no...
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If you are the victim of a property crime, the technical aspects of the law can be dizzying. Every state is different, and every district within the state can be different as well. Criminal mischief is taken very seriously in Florida; depending on the severity, an offender can be charged with a misdemeanor or a...
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One of the most important things a homeowner can do is provide an adequate insurance policy for their home. Furthermore, it is essential to ensure that everything inside, not just the building itself, is covered. Life happens, accidents happen, and natural disasters happen, make sure your home and everything in it is protected. When disaster...
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