
Property Damage Attorney
Do you know what sounds terrifying? Not monsters attacking the city. Not ghosts haunting your presence. Not aliens invading earth. There is something out in the world that is far more likely to happen that can quickly destroy everything you love in a matter of seconds. We are talking about sink holes. This natural even...
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Personal injury protection. This is a phrase you should get familiar with. As the best insurance lawyer near me, we understand the intricacies and nuances of Florida’s No-Fault Law and PIP Statutes. Your Insurance Attorney is here to continually inform our clients about the different areas that these laws apply to them.   What Is...
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One of the worst situations you may find yourself in is to discover that your tires were slashed. It can be quite expensive to have to replace all of your car’s tires, and you may be wondering what you should do in this situation, and how you will able to pay for this unforeseen expense....
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In areas prone to flooding and water damage like coastal Florida, there are certain risks that come with steady rain. These risks include not only the general dangers that come with a storm or hurricane, but also with the resulting water damage and what it can do to electrical wiring in your home. Heavy rainfall...
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If you’re hanging out in your house and all of a sudden start smelling sewage you know you are in trouble. It shouldn’t take someone like a personal damage lawyer to tell you that. The smell of raw sewage is enough the make anyone want to leave home, but ignoring this problem will only make...
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If you’re living in an older home, there are a ton of ups and downs that you can face. For starters, the unique charm offered from an older how is unmatched. No matter how hard people try, they can never recreate the authentic charm from an older home. However, owners of these older homes know...
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Having your personal property damaged or vandalized can be a terrible thing to experience. There is a high level of emotion that goes into putting in these claims because you tend to feel personally attacked by what has happened. This often makes it difficult for people to think things through and make sure they are...
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Having mold in your home can be one of the hardest things to deal with. Partly because most of the time you don’t know you have it until it’s too late. However, if you suspect your home has mold, it could be a great idea to sit down to speak an expert in the field...
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It’s easy to forget insurance companies are in the business of making money. Miami homeowners pay their insurance companies premiums for their policy and in return they expect their claims to be easily paid-in-full. However, insurance providers often put the needs of the company above their policyholders and will attempt to spend as little as...
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If you live in Miami Dade County, property crime is something you’re likely all too familiar with. More than 45% of Florida homeowners must consider filing a burglary or vandalism claim with their insurance company. If you’ve experienced a burglary or vandalism, don’t be frantic. You are not alone. Your Insurance Attorney is the property...
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