
property damage lawyer
What is considered smoke damage? Have you ever asked this question? If a fire has broken out in your home, you may be dealing with the cost of repairing and/or replacing the damaged property. Some of this damage may come from the smoke and understanding the different kinds of smoke can help you identify the...
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Are you looking to buy a new home? This is a huge step in anyone’s life, and there are a lot of different factors you’ll need to take into consideration. Before you jump into an all-new responsibility, we at Your Insurance Attorney want to take a moment and share a warning on cast iron pipes....
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House fires can strike suddenly and without warning. They can cause a tremendous amount of damage to your home and your belongings, and they can often leave a homeowner lost and confused. Fortunately, if your home has been partially damaged or destroyed by a fire, then you may benefit from your homeowners insurance after fire...
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An electrical fire can strike suddenly and without warning, causing catastrophic damage to your home and putting you and your family at risk. Our expert insurance lawyer at Your Insurance Attorney in Coconut Grove has helped many clients  around the Miami-Dade County with handling insurance from these type of fires, but the best way to...
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If you live in Miami-Dade County, you’ve probably heard the words hurricane and windstorm before, but have you ever found yourself questioning what is a windstorm, and how is it different than a hurricane? Although the two are very similar, there are some differences that you should know. Your Insurance Attorney has a professional insurance...
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A fire in your home can be devastating, and handling fire damage and smoke damage insurance claims afterward can sometimes be just as stressful as the fire itself. When it comes to home insurance fire coverage and smoke coverage, you might have some questions about how to go about things the best way for you,...
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When it comes to commercial property insurance and the losses that may ensue, it comes in many shapes and forms. This can get confusing for many. Luckily, here at Your Insurance Attorney, we are here to help you understand how to go about these calms. We are a commercial claims adjuster that Miami-Dade County can...
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Living in Florida, it seems like it is always raining. Sometimes the rain gets so intense that it hails. When this happens, there is often a lot of damage to wherever these ice pellets fall. Luckily, the professionals at Your Insurance Attorney will help you get the protection you need. We are an experienced hail...
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