Is Your Chimney Fire Covered?

Does your home feature a beautiful chimney? Since the weather is finally starting to cool down, it is time to get the embers burning. While the daytime may still be a little warm, the nights are sure to be chilly. But what if that fire you built to warm your family, decides to spark an unwanted flame? We are talking about a chimney fire. Here at Your Insurance Attorney, we are here to make sure you understand how you are protected and covered by your insurance. We are an Orlando insurance claims adjuster who genuinely cares for our clients.


It Is Autumn, After All

For many, November signals the full swing of autumn with chilly nights and shorter days. This is mostly thanks to the end of Daylight Savings Time and the sun setting at 5:30 pm.  If you own a fireplace, this means it’s finally time to start your first fire of the season. Before you light that match, it’s essential to get a proper inspection. This inspection involves assessing any chimney damage and chimney sweeping. Make sure you’re prepared for cold nights by your warm and safe fire with these steps. It is best to hire an expert so an insurance claims adjuster can get you the best service.


Inspect Your Chimney To Avoid Chimney Fire

A simple inspection can be done yourself to assess any chimney damage, however this is probably not the best idea. It is best to leave it to the professionals. If you frequently used your fireplace last season and did not have it cleaned or inspected, you should contact a specialist. The three main places to check are the chimney cap, the inside of the chimney, and the chimney itself.

  • Chimney Cap: This is the metal barrier on most modern chimneys that prevent the elements and small animals from making their way down your chimney. Check these for any signs of critters living near or around your cap, as something as innocent as a bird’s nest can clog up your fireplace and start an unwanted fire.
  • Inside of the Chimney: The interior of your chimney builds up with creosote, which is the incomplete combustion of the oil in the wood. This can be a fire hazard, as well as cause ventilation issues in your chimney.
  • The Structure of the Chimney: The stonework, mortar connecting the stones, and the chimney liner must all be intact to begin having fires in your fireplace. If any of these three are compromised, having a fire could potentially be dangerous.


Chimney Sweeping Is A Thing

It may not be a weekly task, however, it is something that should be done every once in a while. The need for a chimney cleaning depends on how much you use your fireplace. The reason for a chimney sweep is to remove soot, blockages, and built-up creosote from your chimney, firebox, smoke chamber, and damper. Creosote is a highly flammable substance that builds up inside the chimney or liner as a result of burning wood.

Contact Us

When it comes to avoiding a chimney fire, it is best to get your fireplace inspected. In the unfortunate situation where you get damage to your home from a chimney, we are here to help. Your Insurance Attorney is an insurance claims adjuster who is dedicated to making your home safe. Call or visit us today in Orlando for more information.

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