What Are the Different Types of Claims Adjusters?

When it comes to claims adjuster jobs, there are essentially three different roles. There are the staff adjusters, the independent adjusters, and the public adjusters. The job of an adjuster is to look at properties for insurance companies to determine how much the company should compensate the claimant. Properties can be anything from a house to a business to a vehicle. They primarily work in the field to inspect damages and collect information on the claim. This can often be a huge workload as it can require the adjuster to talk to witnesses, collect police reports, and gather documentary evidence from doctors and other experts. An adjuster must be thoroughly involved in the claim and works on behalf of the insurance company to make sure all the I’s are dotted and the T’s are crossed. If you are looking to be a public adjuster in Fort Lauderdale, Florida contact Your Insurance Attorney in Miami Dade County to hear about our open positions!

Different Types of Adjusters

If you are looking to have a career as an adjuster or you are simply looking for information on who you are dealing with when filing a claim, note the variances in these different types of adjusters:

Staff Adjusters

When a property has been damaged, it is the job of the staff adjuster to prepare claims on the property in question. This is done on behalf of the company that insures that property. This includes not only residential property, but a business’ property as well. A staff adjuster will be required to look at structural claims automobiles, and even recreational vehicles. These people are full-time employees of an insurance company and are usually paid an annual salary. Each staff adjuster is assigned a specific territory and they are required to work on all claims by that insurance company in their dedicated area.


Independent Adjuster

An independent adjuster is exactly the same as a staff adjuster the only difference is that they do not work directly for a single insurance agency. Instead, they look for claims adjuster jobs and work independently for various companies. In order to do this, they must register with Independent Adjusting Agencies. Previously, it was these types of adjusters who were called in the aftermath of catastrophic storms, though this policy has been somewhat revised in recent years. Now-a-days insurance companies prefer to cut back on their staff adjuster and work with independent adjusters to cut back on costs.  


Public Adjuster

Public adjuster vary from the two previously mentioned adjuster types. For example a public adjuster in Fort Lauderdale would not prepare the initial claim estimate. They primary role is to act as an advocate that works on behalf of the claimant. Their job is to negotiate with the insurance carrier. If a customer believes they did not receive a fair rate on their claim, they can use the services of a public adjuster to get a second opinion.

Claims Adjuster Jobs

If you are looking into getting into the insurance field, the work of a claims adjuster isn’t a bad gig. You can either work a typical nine to five for an insurance agency, or create your own schedule as an independent adjuster. If you would rather work on behalf of the people, then a public adjuster position could be just right for you. If you are looking to be a public adjuster in Fort Lauderdale, Florida contact Your Insurance Attorney in Miami Dade County to hear about our open positions!

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