Why You Need a Commercial Public Adjuster on Your Side

When dealing with the insurance companies on an injury claim, you often feel lost and alone. It seems as though everyone is turning against you and trying to stop you from receiving the money you deserve. It should never be this way. You need a commercial insurance adjuster who genuinely cares about you. At Your Insurance Attorney, we do precisely that. We feature a public adjuster Miami residents can turn to.


Things Can Get Complicated

A commercial claim settlement is complicated, so insurance companies send out their most experienced adjusters to handle them. Seasoned adjusters know damage and coverage issues, and while their experience and knowledge should be a comfort to you as you rebuild your business, they can actually make the process more difficult.


As a commercial property insurance adjuster investigates and evaluates your claim, it is usually with the intention of settling quickly, saving claim dollars, and moving on to the next insured. It’s important to remember: property insurance adjusters don’t work for you. They work for the insurance companies that hire them. However, we do work for you. We care about your wellbeing. Our public adjuster Miami office is here.


We Help Protect Against a Commerical Insurance Adjuster

When your commercial claim settlement is crucial to reopening your business, it is important to have our insurance expert working on your behalf. Here are a number of ways our highly experienced public adjuster can maximize your commercial claim settlement.

  • Controlling the Investigation
    • When insurance adjusters investigate claims, they get the facts by asking a lot of questions. Some are designed strictly to reveal coverage or damage issues. If you are nervous or don’t understand what issues they are trying to uncover, you may give seemingly harmless answers that could ultimately jeopardize your claim. As you must cooperate with your insurance company, you can’t refuse to answer their questions, but a public adjuster can help.


  • Handling Coverage Issues
    • When you are dealing with an experienced commercial insurance adjuster, you might not realize that a coverage issue exists until you receive a reservation of rights letter or declination of coverage. One of the important benefits of hiring a public adjuster is that you have an ally with the knowledge to recognize coverage issues as they develop and the expertise to work through them before they spin out of control.


  • Settling Your Business Interruption Claim
    • BOP business interruption insurance pays business income, extra expenses, and extended business income. These benefits may keep you from closing your doors permanently, but the claims are complicated. They present unique settlement problems as they are subject to an insurance adjuster’s opinions on essential guidelines:


  • Business income coverage pays continuing “normal” business expenses.
    • A public adjuster can help you develop and submit the appropriate documentation, deal with adjuster opinions on what are “normal” expenses, and what “quickly as possible” means. A PA will also push for maximum dollar recovery.


  • Disputing Actual Cash Value
    • Some claims are paid based on Actual Cash Value with a deduction for depreciation. The method adjusters use to reach ACV settlement figures relies on depreciation tables and programs that calculate average life expectancy. If your property doesn’t fit neatly into an “average” category, your settlement may be unreasonably low. Fortunately, a public adjuster can use documentation and facts to dispute an unacceptably low offer.


  • Negotiating the Best Settlement
    • Negotiating a fair settlement for your commercial claim can take a lot of energy and effort. Commercial insurance adjusters understand complicated coverage issues. A public adjuster has that same skill set. They understand how to address claims for hidden problems such as smoke, soot, and mold damage. They have the patience and experience to keep the negotiations going until you get a fair settlement offer.


Call Us Today

When it comes to finding the best outcome against a commercial insurance adjuster, we are the ones to turn to. We will keep you protected. Your Insurance Attorney is trained insurance lawyers who are here to make sure you are properly represented. Our experienced public adjuster Miami experts will make a difference. We are here for you Miami-Dade County. Call or visit us today for more information.

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