Does Your Insurance Company Cover Roof Leaks?

Your roof is a big investment, and it’s very important to make sure that it is in good condition. After all, your roof is what protects you and your loved ones on your property and damage to your roof can cause a whole host of other problems, such as damage to the drywall and carpeting, interior furniture, mold, and more. Your roof is supposed to protect you and your family from the outside forces, and is a major aspect of your house, which means that taking care of your roof is a major part of being a homeowner. So what should you do, as a homeowner who has homeowner’s insurance, if you find that your roof is leaking? When the average homeowner finds out that their roof is leaking, the first question that most homeowners ask is: does insurance cover roof leaks? As a homeowner, it’s essential to be informed and know your policy so that you know if your insurance will be able to pay for the damage that the leaking roof has caused. Read on to learn more about the situations in which your insurance carrier may or may not cover a roof leak. Your Insurance Attorney is a top property damage attorney in the Miami area. Call Your Insurance Attorney today for a free consultation!


Roof Leaks And Insurance


When it comes to whether or not your insurance company covers roof leaks, the situation can vary. It all depends on what exactly was the cause of the roof leak, and how soon you took action after you noticed it. If your roof leak was caused by a situation that is considered a “covered peril” by your insurance policy. In the standard homeowners insurance policy, such perils include lightning strikes, falling objects (like trees), fire, wind, explosion, hail, weight of ice, sleet, or snow, impact from a land or air vehicle, theft or vandalism, and riots. It’s highly likely that your insurance will pay to repair the leak, if you noticed the leak in a timely manner and informed your insurance company ASAP, and they probably also will pay for secondhand damage. However, if you didn’t notice the leak for a long time, then your policy will probably only pay for the leak and not the damage caused. If your roof leak was caused by poor maintenance, then most policies will also not cover the damage.


Does Your Insurance Company Cover Roof Leaks? Maybe.


Of course, each case is different, and there are definitely legitimate reasons why you wouldn’t have noticed leaks, in which case the carrier may pay for damages incurred. There are certain situations in which you are a diligent owner, but poor workmanship on the roof caused a roof leak. . In such cases, you may need to call a property damage attorney to make sure that you receive the compensation that you pay your insurance premiums for. If the roof leak was due to a peril that is not covered by your carrier, then you will probably end up having to pay on your own.


Contact Us Today


So does insurance cover roof leaks? It depends on the situation. Your Insurance Attorney is a top property damage attorney in Miami. Call Your Insurance Attorney today for a consultation!

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