Why A Public Adjuster is an Asset With Your Roof Damage Claim

For us Florida locals, roof damage is a constant threat during the stormy season. You never know when high winds or hurricanes will strike and cause damage to our homes–especially our roofs which keep us dry and safe. Making a roof damage claim isn’t easy either, as insurance companies will fight to avoid paying you compensation, or undercutting your compensation as much as possible. With the help of expert public adjusters, many homeowners have been able to fight back against this and receive the compensation they deserve. We at Your Insurance Attorney have seen this and have helped those in the Miami-Dade area with their roof damage claims. We want to share with you why a public adjuster Miami can be a huge help for this process.


How Roof Damage Claims Work

First, let’s take a second to understand how a roof damage claim works. Insurance companies will want to see proof that your home experienced damage. Evidence of broken shingles, missing tiles, cracked vent booting, and other similar issues will need to be documented. Additionally, they’ll want to make sure the damage was actually caused by bad weather and not just from shoddy craftsmanship. Basically, there are steps in place to make sure that no one can exploit the insurance companies with false claims if their homes were not affected by storms and weather.


How Expert Public Adjusters Help You

First, public insurance adjusters are already familiar with the requirements insurance companies will have in regards to roof damage claims, as well as other damage claims. Legal knowledge deep and complex, and homeowners who aren’t legal specialists themselves may often have their lack of knowledge exploited by insurance companies. They understand the ins and outs of insurance claims, and they know most homeowners don’t. This is how they’ll try and deny you compensation, or undercut your compensation as much as possible. If they succeed, you’ll be left with costly repair expenses that you deserved to have compensated. Public Adjusters have the same knowledge as the insurance companies. The experts can put a stop to the insurance company’s unethical manipulation and ensure that you aren’t left with a huge repair bill.


About Us

We at Your Insurance Attorney have experience handling insurance claims–over 10,000 of them. We have seen how insurance companies try to undercut our clients in their time of need and work to ensure that doesn’t happen. With every case, we strive to ensure each client gets the compensation they need to repair their damages and have a strict “no recovery, no fee” mentality. 


Contact Us For A Public Adjuster Miami

If you need to make roof damage claims for storm damage, the expert public adjusters are the people you should rely on to help you get the money you deserve. For those in the Miami-Dade area, we  at Your Insurance Attorney are here to help you and can supply you with a public adjuster Miami. Don’t let those insurance companies cut you short; contact us today so that you can get the legal assistance you need to bounce back from your roof damage.


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