What To Do When Hurricanes Cause Trees To Damage Your Home

When damage happens during a hurricane the effects can be catastrophic that’s why you may need to call a hurricane damage attorney.  If you’re in Miami-Dade County, Your Insurance Attorney can be a great resource for you when you’re trying to figure out what you’re entitled to. They have become the insurance attorney Miami locals trust the most when they need advice and guidance on handling insurance claims especially those that involve tree damage since that type of damage isn’t always covered in your homeowners insurance policy. Keep reading to learn more about what may and may not be covered.


Tree Damage Tips From A Hurricane Damage Attorney

Owning a home is a scary and wonderful thing all at once. There is a lot of responsibility that comes with homeownership especially when you have trees on your property. Trees are always a cause for concern because you’re never quite sure when something can happen or go wrong. For example, if a hurricane comes rolling through or a big wind storm a tree might fall down, but what happens if one does? Will the damages be covered if the tree falls on your home? What about on your neighbor’s home or a piece of public property? There is a lot of gray areas when it comes to tree coverage. Keep reading to learn more from the insurance attorney Miami natives use!


Everyone who owns a home needs to obtain homeowners insurance, which will cover your damages if something were to happen on your property. Most of the time the things covered in this type of insurance are fire and lightning, smoke/explosions, windstorms, falling objects, theft and vandalism, vehicle damage, snow/sleet/ice, and water damage. These policies will also compensate you for some of the following things that may be caused because of the above damages. For instance, the home or dwelling, other structures such as a garage, personal property, and any additional living expenses that you have to pay for while repairs are being done. Now, most people assume that a tree would be covered under the “falling objects” clause of their policy and they would be right, as long as trees are listed as a falling object that would be covered. This also means that to be compensated for damages the tree doesn’t have to be only from your yard. It can fall from a neighbor’s property or even public city property. As long as you have the right coverage, you will be protected.


However, there is something that can cause a tree damage claim to be denied, and that is how and what caused the tree to fall on your property and damage it if the tree falls because of a windstorm or lightning than your insurance policy will most likely cover any damage that is done. On the other hand, if the tree falls and causes damage because of an earthquake or because you were negligent and didn’t take care of an overgrown and rotting tree your insurance company will probably deny your claim and not cover and expenses.


Contact Us

Your Insurance Attorney is a hurricane damage attorney located in the Miami area. We pride ourselves on helping our clients with getting the money they deserve no matter what the circumstances are. If you’re looking for an insurance attorney Miami call or visit us today to find out how we can help you!


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