What NOT to Do During a Hurricane Insurance Claim

Did you home ever get damaged from a hurricane and your wallet ended up being on the receiving end? Did you manage to file an insurance claim? When you think about it, do you think you did it correctly? Your Insurance Attorney is here to make sure you know what not to do during a hurricane insurance claim. You can count on us with the best hurricane insurance claim tips. Our insurance lawyer is located conveniently in Miami.


Dealing With Hurricanes Are Normal for Florida

Do you remember Irene, Harvey, Irma, Maria, Florence, or Michael? These aren’t the names of extended family members, however, no Floridian will ever forget them. This is a list of the most recent hurricanes that did a substantial amount of damage to Florida. Even if you have prepared for the storm and have insurance, what you do after the storm can make a big difference in how your hurricane insurance claim is handled.


Hurricane Insurance Claim Tips

If you have or need to file a hurricane claim in the future, it is important that you make sure you avoid the following things:

  • Don’t stay in your home if it is not safe to do so
    • Take precautions. If there is a possibility that the storm or its damage might require you to leave your home, secure your property and turn off your gas, water, and electricity. If you are told to leave your home or suspect that it may not be safe to stay, leave.
  • Don’t return to your home
    • You may be eager to go home and see how if you have any property damage. Do not return home. Wait until you are told it is safe to return home. Rescue workers may be helping others and searching for survivors.
  • Don’t wait to contact your insurance company
    • Immediately after you are evacuated or after you know your home has been damaged, contact your insurance company. The insurance companies will be very busy in the aftermath of the storm.
  • Don’t throw away damaged items
    • You need to document the damage to your home and property so you can prove the extent of the damage in your insurance claim. Take pictures and videos of all damaged items before you throw anything away.
  • Don’t try to handle a hurricane insurance claim without professional help
    • If you do not consult with a hurricane claims lawyer, you could lose thousands of dollars that you are owed. Hurricane claims attorneys specialize in insurance disputes and can help you determine if you are receiving fair treatment from your insurance company.


Call Our Insurance Lawyer Today!

Make sure you are fully informed when it comes to hurricane insurance claim tips. You never know when you may need it. If your home has been damaged through some type of disaster, vandalism, or you have suffered a loss through theft, you have likely filed a claim with your insurance company. This can often take quite a bit of time, and some insurance claims even get denied or paid insufficiently, which is unsatisfying and can seem unfair. As an insurance attorney Miami locals trust, we don’t sit around waiting to see how your insurance company is going to help you, we talk directly with them and let them know what exactly you are entitled to. Best of all you incur no fees unless you win! Call our insurance lawyer today for more information.

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