Having an adjuster review your insurance claim is only the start of the process of going through with an insurance claim, something many people may be surprised to learn. Generally, the field adjuster responsible for assessing your property may not be an employee of the insurance company, and are usually independent adjusters on contract who get paid a set fee or percentage for each claim they work on. In disaster situations such as Hurricane Irma, this is especially true, since there are so many claims to work on, and a shortage of qualified adjuster. This means that a field adjuster may be trying to finish as many claims as possible in a short amount of time, and may not be really “listening” to you or assessing the situation thoroughly. Read on to learn more about what you should be aware of during an insurance claim inspection. Your Insurance Attorney is a top insurance attorney Miami residents rely on. Call Your Insurance Attorney in Miami-Dade County today for a free initial consultation!
What To Be Aware Of
There are certain things that you should be aware of if you file a claim with your insurance carrier. Back in the day, field adjusters had the ability and authority to be able to settle claims and make offers fast. Today, most initial inspections are usually being done with the goal of gathering enough information so that the insurance company can set a reserve dollar amount of the claim the carrier expects to pay, and to figure out what other resources are needed to adjust or investigate the loss. It’s important to pay attention to what the adjuster says about your damages, but be careful when it comes to making any commitments or talking about issues involving the cause of loss and damages as this should be completely investigated prior to any commitments are made. Your Insurance Attorney, a top insurance attorney Miami residents trust, has seen too many policyholders talk about floods when they really mean water intrusion or agree to certain terms without fully understanding the consequences, only to have it come back and impact their claim after a more complete investigation. It’s important to be mindful of discussing certain things during the inspection, such as discussions of wind versus flood if both of these perils possibly caused damage to the property.
Your Insurance Claim Inspection
While it’s important to fully cooperate with the company adjuster, as is your duty as the insured, you need to be careful. Your Insurance Attorney always advises our clients to ask for an advance payment on the undisputed portion of their claim. Make sure the advance is paid under content coverage in order to avoid having the mortgage holders’ name on the advance check, as if the mortgage holder is put on the advance check it may interfere with the speed of ready cash to start repairs. While certain adjusters who work directly for your insurance carrier may have the authority to settle a claim, you should never sign a release on the spot.
Contact Us Today
There are certain things to be aware of during your insurance claim inspection. Your Insurance Attorney is an insurance attorney Miami residents trust. Call Your Insurance Attorney in Miami-Dade County today for a consultation!