Strategies for a Strong Mold Insurance Claim

If you’ve noticed the development of mold in your home, you might be concerned about how to deal with it, as well as the cost associated with removing it. Something to keep in mind is mold coverage in your home insurance policy and how it can help you handle mold problems. At Your Insurance Attorney, our team has experience with mold claims and can help provide a public adjuster Fort Lauderdale, Maimi, and Coconut Grove, FL. If you need insurance claim tips for mold damage, let us share what we know.


Dangers of Mold

Mold might not seem all that dangerous at first, but it can actually cause a variety of ailments to families exposed to it. Symptoms caused by mold exposure can range from the mild to the severe. Conditions like nasal problems, eye irritation, respiratory problems, or even death can stem from mold exposure. To make matters worse, mold spores are everywhere in nature, so the risk of developing mold in your home is always present, especially in humid areas like Florida. Water-related events like broken pipes and storms can fuel the spread of mold throughout your home as well.


Insurance Claim Tips for Mold Damage

  • Review your policy
    • The first step to handling mold insurance claims is to review your home insurance policy and make sure you understand clearly what your mold coverage is. You want to know what you’re entitled to in the event of mold damage, that way your insurance company can’t trick you with a lowball offer.
  • Protect your property from further damage
    • When mold is developing in your home, it’s important to take measures to prevent the development of that mold. Do things like turn off water flow to broken pipes, or cover areas of your home with tarps to seal the mold in. This will mitigate the damage to your home, but it’s important not to remove the mold yourself until after it’s been inspected.
  • Take pictures
    • Photographic evidence is one of the best things you can have to help prove your claims. Make sure you have a strong list of visual evidence to show off where the mold is, and what it looks like. Include information like the dates associated with the photos, and if possible, seal contaminated items.
  • Don’t accept a lowball offer
    • Insurance companies will often try and find the smallest amount of compensation they can give to you, but this isn’t okay. If the offer doesn’t cover the damages, don’t feel pressured to take it. If you need to, get a second opinion from a specialist who has your best interest in mind.


About Us

At Your Insurance Attorney, we have years of experience helping our clients receive the compensation they deserve from insurance companies. We understand that when your home is damaged, you need help making sure it gets repaired, and we understand insurance companies don’t always have your best interest at heart. Our main objective with every case is to make sure you’re taken care of, which is why we don’t change unless we win your case.


Contact Us for a Public Adjuster Fort Lauderdale, Miami, or Coconut Grove

If you have mold in your home, you need it taken care of ASAP. Now that you have our insurance claim tips for mold damage, you understand how to better prepare yourself for approaching insurance companies, but the next step is getting legal help. Contact us for a public adjuster Fort Lauderdale, Maimi, or Coconut Grove today.

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