Lightning Safety & Awareness

Although the official first day of summer is the 21st of June, summer thunderstorms don’t necessarily wait for the solstice. Especially in tropical areas like Florida, thunderstorms can form quickly and lightning can be deadly. As we head into thunderstorm season, it’s important to be up-to-date on your lightning facts in order to maintain lightning safety. Lightning is an underrated killer, and is one of the top three storm-related killers in the U.S., according to the National Weather Service. In fact, more than 25 million cloud-to-ground lightning strikes hit the U.S. each year. Every single one of these strikes represent a potential threat to lives, property, and municipal infrastructure. Read on to learn more about lighting safety and awareness. If your home has been damaged by a lightning strike, and you are looking to file a lightning strike insurance claim, you may need to seek legal counsel in order to receive the compensation that you deserve (and that you pay your insurance premiums for). Your Insurance Attorney is a top public adjuster Miami residents rely on. Call Your Insurance Attorney in Miami-Dade County today for your insurance claim legal needs!


What To Know About Lightning Safety


According to the National Weather Service, lightning is one of the top 3 storm-related killers in the United States. This is why it’s so important for people to be aware about how to stay safe when lightning and thunder strike. First, let’s discuss the basics of lightning safety. When a thunderstorm is in the area, there is no safe place outdoors. Lightning is able to strike from more than 15 miles away, and the chances are that if you are able to hear thunder, then you are already in immediate danger. Unfortunately, many lightning injuries deaths occur due to the fact that people are often too slow to react to an approaching storm, or too quick to get back outdoors before the storm was a safe distance away. The most dangerous times during a lightning storm tends to happen right before a storm hits, and right as it moves away. A large component of improving lightning safety also comes with being informed about what lightning actually is and how it functions. Thunderstorms develop early in the day when the sun warms the air near the ground. These pockets of warm air then rise and then form cumulus clouds. The air then continues to warm up, and the clouds grow tall into vertical cumulus and rain forms. When the cloud turns into the shape of an anvil, a thunderstorm is basically inevitable. 


Call Us With Your Lightning Insurance Claim

When it comes to lightning safety outdoors, Your Insurance Attorney, a top public adjuster Miami residents trust, notes that the summer months bring an increased risk of lightning strikes. This is due to the fact that there is no safe place out of doors when a summer thunderstorm moves in quickly, and when that happens, we recommend you to quickly get into a safe building or vehicle. You may need a lightning alert system to notify you when a storm is approaching so that you can get to safety before you are put in any immediate danger. 


Contact Us Today


There are many things that you can do to stay safe when lightning strikes. If you’ve filed a lightning strike insurance claim, you may need legal assistance. Your Insurance Attorney is a top public adjuster Miami residents trust. Call Your Insurance Attorney in Miami-Dade County  today for your free initial consultation!

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