5 Ways To Protect Your Home From Tree Damage in a Storm

Tree damage is no joke, just the thought of it can scare homeowners. That is why it’s crucial to listen to the tips from a storm damage attorney. If you’re in the Miami area, Your Insurance Attorney may be exactly who you need. Not only can they help you understand how to protect yourself and your property from tree damage, but they can also put you in contact with a great insurance claims adjuster to come and look at your house if damage has already been done. You don’t want to go through this process on your own so make sure you have someone you can trust on your side.


How To Protect Your Home From Trees According To A Storm Damage Attorney

If you live in an area that is prone to heavy rain, wind, and hurricanes it is no surprise that tree damage can happen and when it does it can be bad. That is why it’s important to understand how to protect yourself and your property from this before it becomes a problem. If you wait until an insurance claims adjuster is coming to assess your damages, it may be too late. Keep reading to learn tips on how to protect and prepare yourself for this.


The first thing you want to do if you live in a storm-prone area is to get in contact with your homeowners insurance company. When you speak with them, you want to make sure you ask them about what is covered in your policy and how you should go about handling a claim if something happens.


Trees are one of the biggest threats to homes during an extreme storm. This is mainly the case because of their weight, size, and vulnerability. All of that combined makes for one significant problem. If you have trees in your yard that have been newly planted and are still staked make sure you secure them correctly and deep in the group before the storm hits. This will prevent them from being blown around and picked up out of the ground. Even if you’ve taken a stake out in the last two years, you should consider restaking it if the storm is going to be big enough.


If you know a storm is coming make sure you do a yard clean up before it is too late. Things like dead branches that are hanging from a tree or on the lawn can be hazardous if the wind picks them up. Also, it would be a good idea to cut any branches that are hanging over your roof or even ones that come close. On top of these if you notice a tree in your yard has begun to rot at the base you may want to consider getting rid of it because these trees are significantly weaker at the bottom which means they are more likely to fall over in heavy winds.


Contact Us

Your Insurance Attorney is a storm damage attorney located in the Miami area. We pride ourselves on helping our clients with getting the money they deserve no matter what the circumstances are. We will also find the best insurance claims adjuster to assist with the claims process. Call or visit us today to find out how we can help you!

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