When Is Hurricane Season in FL & Tips For Residents

It is finally June! Do you know what that means? Summer is finally here! But, more importantly, the Sunshine State has entered hurricane season. The experts at Your Insurance Attorney want to make sure that your family and home is protected from the powerful storms that may threaten Miami-Dade County. We are here to inform you when is hurricane season and also how we can help you prepare. You can count on the property damage attorney Miami homeowners can count on.


Do You Know When Hurricane Season Is?

LiveScience reports that officially, the National Weather Service says that the Atlantic hurricane season begins on June 1 and runs until November 30. Most storms hit during peak hurricane season, generally described as the time between August and October. And according to Travel + Leisure, nearly all countries in and around the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the eastern and central Pacific Ocean are susceptible to tropical storms and hurricanes.


Forecasts and predictions will shift throughout hurricane season. So if you want to book a trip, be sure to do some research to make sure you are in the clear.


When is Hurricane Season: What Cities Are Most At Risk?

If you want to know where to book a vacation, it makes sense to take a look at which cities get hit most frequently by hurricanes. However, keep in mind that avoiding them does not guarantee that you will not see severe weather. Many sources report that the ten most frequently affected cities are as follows:

  • Cape Hatteras, North Carolina: Every 1.36 years
  • Morehead City, North Carolina: Every 1.54 years
  • Grand Bahamas Island, Bahamas: Every 1.62 years
  • Cayman Islands: Every 1.72 years
  • Wilmington, North Carolina: Every 1.72 years
  • Great Abaco Island, Bahamas: Every 1.8 years
  • Andros Island, Bahamas: Every 1.83 years
  • Bermuda: Every 1.85 years
  • Savannah, Georgia: Every 1.92 years
  • Miami, Florida: Every 1.97 years


Tips You Need From A Property Damage Attorney Miami Can Count On

If you travel during hurricane season, it pays to go prepared. We recommend packing solar-battery-powered USB chargers. You should also take along cash both in U.S. and foreign currencies because you may not be able to use ATM or credit cards right after a storm. You may also want to pack a battery-powered radio, a battery-powered flashlight, extra toiletries, and antibacterial wipes. A first-aid kit also makes a smart addition to your bag.


If you have space, you may also want to pack bottled water and non-perishable food. Also, ensure that you fill your prescriptions and have an adequate supply of your medications before you leave. Keep your documents with you, and if you’re traveling to another country, write down the contact information for the for the U.S. consulate.


Call Us Today

Do you know when is hurricane season? Our property damage attorney Miami professional wants to make sure you are safe during hurricane season. It is the best way to keep yourself away from a claim. Call us today for more information. We are here for you, Miami-Dade County.

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