How To Handle Property Loss Caused By Someone Else In Your Condo Unit

Personal property insurance is meant to protect your items in the event of damage, but what if the situation is a little more complicated? Your Insurance Attorney in Miami can help. We are the property damage attorney Miami trusts and we work with you to ensure that the insurance pays out what you are due. To learn more about what we do and how you can proceed with a claim in a condominium, contact us at Your Insurance Attorney today.


Who is at Fault?


Picture the end of a busy workday. You come home to your condominium, unlock the door, and see a sheet of water covering the floor. You panic but quickly call your insurance company to notify them of the damage. From there, your insurance company must then parse out all the steps of mitigating the damage, adjusting for the claim, and paying out the claim to you. Beyond this, they must also determine who is at fault.


Because condominiums do not work like regular apartment buildings or free-standing homes, it can be very tricky to determine who is responsible for damage in any given situation. In the case of the flooded condo, the only way to place blame is to find the source of the water. Condo associations carry insurance to cover any common areas in the building while condo owners are responsible for having insurance for their individual units. This insurance covers the walls, flooring, and contents of their condominiums. Depending on where the water came from, that is where your insurance company will turn to in order to seek recompense for the claim.


Personal Property Insurance


While this insurance is meant to cover your things in the event of a disaster, but your insurance company may not always pay out the way that you want them to. The last thing that you want is to be left purchasing lesser goods than what you had previously because your insurance refused to give you the money to cover your possessions in full. However, because condo units can be so difficult to determine fault in, this may very well happen.


The best way to mitigate that is by having property damage attorney. Property damage attorneys understand what it takes to get your home back to normal, and they have worked with many insurance companies in the past so they understand the questions they may raise and issues they may have. They can be the ones to give you the help that you have been searching for to deal with your insurance company.


Looking for a Property Damage Attorney Miami? Contact Us


Has personal property insurance failed you? Do you need an attorney to help you face your insurance company? Your Insurance Attorney in Miami is here to help. We are the property damage attorney Miami trusts and we value our clients. That is why we fight hard with the insurance company to get you the results that you deserve. To learn more about what we can do for you, contact us at Your Insurance Attorney today.

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